主要研究方向: 植物多样性、植物分类学、系统与进化植物学、植物基因组学
学历及研究简历:(从本科起正序) 1995年 9月- 1999年 7月 西南林学院 学士 林学 1999年11月- 2002年8月 中科院西双版纳热带植物园 植物学 2002年9月- 2008年 1月 中科院昆明植物研究所 博士 植物学 2010年4月-至今 云南师范大学 植物学
近5年代表论文和著作:(通讯或共同一作) 1. Meifei Li, Yingmin Zhang, Yi Wang, Yue Yin, Meijun Zhou &Yonghong Zhang* (2024). Chromosome-level genome assembly of Aquilaria yunnanensis.Scientific Data, 11:790. 2. Tao Xiao, Liefen He, Liangliang Yue, Yonghong Zhang* and Shiou Yih Lee (2022). Comparative phylogenetic analysis of complete plastid genomes of Renanthera (Orchidaceae). Frontiers in Genetics, 13:998575. 3. Shiou Yih Lee, Ke-Wang Xu, Cui-Ying Huang, Jung-Hyun Lee, Wen-Bo Liao, Yong-Hong Zhang*, Qiang Fan* (2022). Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the complete plastid genomes and nuclear sequences reveal Daphne (Thymelaeaceae) to be non-monophyletic as current circumscription. Plant Diversity, 44 (03): 279-289. 4. Yunheng Ji#, Jin Yang, Jacob B. Landis, Shuying Wang, Zhenyan Yang and Yonghong Zhang# (2021). Deciphering the Taxonomic Delimitation of Ottelia acuminata (Hydrocharitaceae) Using Complete Plastomes as Super-Barcodes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12:681270. 5. Sergei Volis*, Yong-Hong Zhang*, Michael Dorman, Richard J. Abbott (2021). Incipient speciation in Oncocyclus irises: Eco-geographic isolation and genetic divergence with no reproductive isolation? Flora, 275 (2021): 151746. 6. Liefen He, Yonghong Zhang*, Shiou Yih Lee (2021). Complete plastomes of six species of Wikstroemia (Thymelaeaceae) reveal paraphyly with the monotypic genus Stellera. Scientific Reports, 11(1): 13608. 7. Shaojuan Qian, Yonghong Zhang* and Shiou Yih Lee* (2021). Comparative Analysis of Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequences in Edgeworthia (Thymelaeaceae) and New Insights Into Phylogenetic Relationships. Front Genet, 12:643552. 8. Jian-Ling Guo, Yan-Hong Yu and Yong-Hong Zhang* (2020). Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of Ottelia alismoides (Hydrocharitaceae), a vulnerable submerged macrophyte in China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5(1): 404-405. 9. Sergei Volis*, Yonghong Zhang*, Tao Deng, Michael Dorman, Michael Blecher, and Richard J. Abbott (2019). Divergence and reproductive isolation between two closely related allopatric Iris species. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society, 127, 377-389. 10. Yong-Hong Zhang*, Yuan Huang, Zhi-Min Li1, Shu-Dong Zhang (2019). Characterization of the complete chloroplast genome of the vulnerable agarwood tree, Aquilaria yunnanensis (Thymelaeaceae). Conservation Genetics Resources, 11:161-164. 11. Jian-Ling Guo, Yan-Hong Yu, Jian-Wen Zhang, Zhi-Min Li, Yong-11.Hong Zhang*, Sergei Volis (2019). Conservation strategy for aquatic plants: endangered Ottelia acuminata (Hydrocharitaceae) as a case study.Biodiversity and conservation, 28:1533-1548. 12. Jian-Ling Guo, Wen-Juan Cao, Zhi-Min Li, Yong-Hong Zhang*, Sergei Volis (2019). Conservation implications of population genetic structure in a threatened orchid Cypripedium tibeticum. Plant Diversity, 41: 13-18. 13. 付文佛,肖 涛 ,张永洪*,2023,石蒜属植物叶绿体基因组结构及系统学研究,亚热带植物科学, 52(4): 271-286 14. 张晓芸,杨妙琴,徐英,张永洪*,李洪飞*,2019,基于rpl16序列分析大百合的遗传多样性及遗传结构,植物遗传资源学报, 20(1):199-206
专著: 2023.张永洪.主编.云南师范大学校园植物图鉴. 云南科技出版社
获奖和名誉称号: 云南省自然科学奖一等奖(排名第8) “红云园丁奖”二等奖
主持的国家级或其他项目: 主持国家自然科学基金 1. 瑞香狼毒的谱系地理结构及其对历史气候条件的遗传响应(31160045) 2.青藏高原及邻近地区河谷植物小蓝雪花的谱系地理学研究(31460050) 3. 瑞香属和荛花属(瑞香科)的分类与系统学研究(31760048) 4. 云南省中药资源普查(永平县、江川区)
主讲课程:(研究生、本科): 植物学(上)-植物形态解剖学及其实验(本科) 植物学(下)-植物系统分类学及其实验(本科) 资源植物学(本科) 植物分子系统学(研究生) 植物系统学研究进展(研究生) |